(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/12 浏览:3 次 )
'作 用:格式化成当前网站完整的URL-将相对地址转换为绝对地址
'参 数: url ----Url字符串
'参 数: CurrentUrl ----当然网站URL
Public Function FormatRemoteUrl(ByVal URL,ByVal CurrentUrl)
Dim strUrl
If Len(URL) < 2 Or Len(URL) > 255 Or Len(CurrentUrl) < 2 Then
FormatRemoteUrl = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
CurrentUrl = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(CurrentUrl, "'", vbNullString), """", vbNullString), vbNewLine, vbNullString), "\", "/"), "|", vbNullString))
URL = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(URL, "'", vbNullString), """", vbNullString), vbNewLine, vbNullString), "\", "/"), "|", vbNullString))
If InStr(9, CurrentUrl, "/") = 0 Then
strUrl = CurrentUrl
strUrl = Left(CurrentUrl, InStr(9, CurrentUrl, "/") - 1)
End If
If strUrl = vbNullString Then strUrl = CurrentUrl
Select Case Left(LCase(URL), 6)
Case "http:/", "https:", "ftp://", "rtsp:/", "mms://"
FormatRemoteUrl = URL
Exit Function
End Select
If Left(URL, 1) = "/" Then
FormatRemoteUrl = strUrl & URL
Exit Function
End If
If Left(URL, 3) = "../" Then
Dim ArrayUrl
Dim ArrayCurrentUrl
Dim ArrayTemp()
Dim strTemp
Dim i, n
Dim c, l
n = 0
ArrayCurrentUrl = Split(CurrentUrl, "/")
ArrayUrl = Split(URL, "../")
c = UBound(ArrayCurrentUrl)
l = UBound(ArrayUrl) + 1
If c > l + 2 Then
For i = 0 To c - l
ReDim Preserve ArrayTemp(n)
ArrayTemp(n) = ArrayCurrentUrl(i)
n = n + 1
strTemp = Join(ArrayTemp, "/")
strTemp = strUrl
End If
URL = Replace(URL, "../", vbNullString)
FormatRemoteUrl = strTemp & "/" & URL
Exit Function
End If
strUrl = Left(CurrentUrl, InStrRev(CurrentUrl, "/"))
FormatRemoteUrl = strUrl & Replace(URL, "./", vbNullString)
Exit Function
End Function
'作 用:格式化成当前网站完整的URL-将相对地址转换为绝对地址
'参 数: url ----Url字符串
'参 数: CurrentUrl ----当然网站URL
Public Function FormatRemoteUrl(ByVal URL,ByVal CurrentUrl)
Dim strUrl
If Len(URL) < 2 Or Len(URL) > 255 Or Len(CurrentUrl) < 2 Then
FormatRemoteUrl = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
CurrentUrl = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(CurrentUrl, "'", vbNullString), """", vbNullString), vbNewLine, vbNullString), "\", "/"), "|", vbNullString))
URL = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(URL, "'", vbNullString), """", vbNullString), vbNewLine, vbNullString), "\", "/"), "|", vbNullString))
If InStr(9, CurrentUrl, "/") = 0 Then
strUrl = CurrentUrl
strUrl = Left(CurrentUrl, InStr(9, CurrentUrl, "/") - 1)
End If
If strUrl = vbNullString Then strUrl = CurrentUrl
Select Case Left(LCase(URL), 6)
Case "http:/", "https:", "ftp://", "rtsp:/", "mms://"
FormatRemoteUrl = URL
Exit Function
End Select
If Left(URL, 1) = "/" Then
FormatRemoteUrl = strUrl & URL
Exit Function
End If
If Left(URL, 3) = "../" Then
Dim ArrayUrl
Dim ArrayCurrentUrl
Dim ArrayTemp()
Dim strTemp
Dim i, n
Dim c, l
n = 0
ArrayCurrentUrl = Split(CurrentUrl, "/")
ArrayUrl = Split(URL, "../")
c = UBound(ArrayCurrentUrl)
l = UBound(ArrayUrl) + 1
If c > l + 2 Then
For i = 0 To c - l
ReDim Preserve ArrayTemp(n)
ArrayTemp(n) = ArrayCurrentUrl(i)
n = n + 1
strTemp = Join(ArrayTemp, "/")
strTemp = strUrl
End If
URL = Replace(URL, "../", vbNullString)
FormatRemoteUrl = strTemp & "/" & URL
Exit Function
End If
strUrl = Left(CurrentUrl, InStrRev(CurrentUrl, "/"))
FormatRemoteUrl = strUrl & Replace(URL, "./", vbNullString)
Exit Function
End Function