(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/11 浏览:3 次 )
'参数:str 要检测的字符串
Function CheckIp(paR_strIp)
CheckIp =0
Dim tmpLoop, tmpStr
tmpStr =paR_strIp
If tmpStr ="" Or IsNull(tmpStr) Then Exit Function
tmpStr =Split(tmpStr, ".")
If Not isArray(tmpStr) Then Exit Function
For tmpLoop =0 To ubound(tmpStr)
If tmpStr(tmpLoop) ="" Or IsNull(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) Then Exit Function
If Not isNumeric(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) Then Exit Function
If Cint(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) >255 Or Cint(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) <1 Then Exit Function
CheckIp =1
End Function
'参数:str 要检测的字符串
Function CheckIp(paR_strIp)
CheckIp =0
Dim tmpLoop, tmpStr
tmpStr =paR_strIp
If tmpStr ="" Or IsNull(tmpStr) Then Exit Function
tmpStr =Split(tmpStr, ".")
If Not isArray(tmpStr) Then Exit Function
For tmpLoop =0 To ubound(tmpStr)
If tmpStr(tmpLoop) ="" Or IsNull(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) Then Exit Function
If Not isNumeric(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) Then Exit Function
If Cint(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) >255 Or Cint(tmpStr(tmpLoop)) <1 Then Exit Function
CheckIp =1
End Function
下一篇:asp 验证输入网址是否有效并可以访问 与正则验证输入网址