Fabric 应用案例
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/1/18 浏览:3 次 )
#!/usr/bin/env python from fabric.api import * from fabric.context_managers import * from fabric.contrib.console import confirm env.user = 'root' env.hosts = ['',''] env.password = '123456' @runs_once def tar_task(): #本地打包任务函数,只限执行一次 with lcd('/'): local("tar zcvf auto.tar.gz auto") def put_task(): run('mkdir /data') #上传任务函数 with cd("/data"): with settings(warn_only=True): result = put("/auto.tar.gz","/data") #put上传出现异常时继续执行,非中止 if result.failed and not confirm("put file failed, Continue[Y/N]"): abort('Aboring file put task!') #出现异常时,确认用户是否继续 def check_task(): with settings(warn_only=True): lmd5 = local("md5sum /auto.tar.gz",capture=True).split(' ')[0] rmd5 = run("md5sum /data/auto.tar.gz").split(' ')[0] if lmd5 == rmd5: #对比本地及远程文件MD5信息 print "ok" else: print ERROR def go(): tar_task() put_task() check_task()