Lua编程示例(五): C语言对Lua表的读取和添加
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/6 浏览:3 次 )
#include "stdafx.h" lua_State *L; void load_lua(char *filename){ L=luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); if((luaL_loadfile(L,filename) || lua_pcall(L,0,0,0))!= 0){ luaL_error(L,"loadfile error! \n %s",lua_tostring(L,-1)); } } double getfield(lua_State *L,char * key){ double res; //默认栈顶是table,将key入栈 lua_pushstring(L,key); lua_gettable(L,-2); //查找键值为key的元素,置于栈顶 if(!lua_isnumber(L,-1)){ luaL_error(L,"num get error! %s\n",lua_tostring(L,-1)); } res = lua_tonumber(L,-1); lua_pop(L,1); //删掉产生的查找结果 return res; } void setfield(lua_State *L,char *key,double value){ //默认栈顶是table lua_pushstring(L,key); lua_pushnumber(L,value); lua_settable(L,-3); //将这一对键值设成元素 } struct mycolor{ char *name; unsigned char red,green,blue; }Color[]={ {"WIETH",1,1,1}, {"BLACK",0,0,0}, {"BLUE",0,0,1} }; //先创建一个空的栈,填入元素,用lua_setglobal弹出表,并赋成全局变量 void setcolor(lua_State *L,struct mycolor col){ lua_newtable(L); setfield(L,"r",; setfield(L,"g",; setfield(L,"b",; lua_setglobal(L,; } void getcolor(lua_State *L,char *key){ lua_getglobal(L,key); if(!lua_istable(L,-1)){ luaL_error(L,"'background' is not a table! %s\n",lua_tostring(L,-1)); } double red; double green; double blue; red = getfield(L,"r"); blue = getfield(L,"b"); green = getfield(L,"g"); printf("The %s color : red = %.2f ,green = %.2f ,blue = %.2f\n",key,red,green,blue); } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { load_lua("test.lua"); getcolor(L,"background"); int i = 0; while(Color[i].name != NULL){ setcolor(L,Color[i]); i++; } getcolor(L,"WIETH"); getcolor(L,"BLUE"); return 0; }
test.lua 中就一行代码:
复制代码 代码如下:
background = {r=1,g=0.5,b=0.7}
The background color : red = 1.00 ,green = 0.50 ,blue = 0.70 The WIETH color : red = 1.00 ,green = 1.00 ,blue = 1.00 The BLUE color : red = 0.00 ,green = 0.00 ,blue = 1.00
下一篇:简单的Lua 连接操作mysql数据库的方法