insert into tbl() select * from tb2中加入多个条件
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/9 浏览:3 次 )
复制代码 代码如下:
insert into warehouse(wlbm,wlmc,ys,wlgg,sybm,wlfl) select * from (select rtrim(b.bjbm) as bjbm,a.bjmc as wlmc, a.ys, a.clgg as wlgg,,
(case when '注塑' then 2
when '吹塑' then 43
when '搪胶' then 3
when '喷油' then 4
when '车梳' then 45
when '冲压' then 19
when '电焊' then 31
when '烤漆' then 37
when '裁床' then 38
when '丝印' then 46
when '车缝' then 39
when '装配' then 40
when '包装' then 42
end) as wlfl
FROM (select distinct(rtrim(bjbm)) as bjbm from dbo.CP_LB where bjbm<>'' and bjbm not in (select wlbm from warehouse)) b left JOIN dbo.CP_LB a
on rtrim(b.bjbm)=rtrim(a.bjbm)) c
insert into warehouse(wlbm,wlmc,ys,wlgg,sybm,wlfl) select * from (select rtrim(b.bjbm) as bjbm,a.bjmc as wlmc, a.ys, a.clgg as wlgg,,
(case when '注塑' then 2
when '吹塑' then 43
when '搪胶' then 3
when '喷油' then 4
when '车梳' then 45
when '冲压' then 19
when '电焊' then 31
when '烤漆' then 37
when '裁床' then 38
when '丝印' then 46
when '车缝' then 39
when '装配' then 40
when '包装' then 42
end) as wlfl
FROM (select distinct(rtrim(bjbm)) as bjbm from dbo.CP_LB where bjbm<>'' and bjbm not in (select wlbm from warehouse)) b left JOIN dbo.CP_LB a
on rtrim(b.bjbm)=rtrim(a.bjbm)) c
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