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(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/16 浏览:3 次 )

艺人:Dolly Parton
唱片公司:Sugar Hill
by Philip Van Vleck
It was inevitable, especially considering her recent albums, thatDolly Parton would eventually go all the way back to the mountainswith a bluegrass project. A child of the southern Appalachians,Parton would have absorbed this music straight through her skinduring her formative years. And, indeed, her performance on this CDis impeccable, as is her choice of material. Producer
Steve Buckingham
has taken care to bring together a group of accomplishedbluegrassers to accompany Parton.
Alison Krauss
Stuart Duncan
Dan Tyminski
Jerry Douglas
Rhonda Vincent
, and
Bryan Sutton
are major contributors, as is
Patty Loveless
. Parton wrote two songs for the CD -- the title tune and&Endless Stream of Tears& -- and she also reworked two ofher previously recorded numbers, &Will He Be Waiting forMe& and &Steady As the Rain& as bluegrass pieces. Sheconvinced her producer that
Billy Joel
's &Travelin' Prayer& and
's hard-rocking &Train, Train& could work as bluegrasssongs and, sure enough, they do. She also reached into thetraditional folk repertoire and crafted a beautiful, hauntingversion of &Silver Dagger.& Parton shows a terrific knackfor this genre and, as always, her approach is a bit eccentric, butthat's one of her gifts as a musician. She's always followed herown muse; this time it has led her to a singular interpretation ofbluegrass that is one of the important bluegrass releases of1999.
01. Travelin’ Prayer [0:04:16.20]
02. Cash on the Barrelhead [0:03:08.00]
03. A Few Old Memories [0:04:01.35]
04. I’m Gonna Sleep With One Eye Open [0:03:04.35]
05. Steady as the Rain [0:03:05.05]
06. I Still Miss Someone [0:03:37.50]
07. Endless Stream of Tears [0:02:39.52]
08. Silver Dagger [0:04:54.68]
09. Train, Train [0:02:50.05]
10. I Wonder Where You Are Tonight [0:03:13.37]
11. Will He Be Waiting for Me [0:03:25.58]
12. The Grass Is Blue [0:03:44.57]
13. I Am Ready [0:02:44.38]

Dolly Parton(桃莉·芭顿)- The Grass Is Blue【WAV+CUE】.rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-388534171-2e80a8?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)

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