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◎译  名 山谬的异色之旅/Samuel'sTravels

◎片  名 Semace?ojumi

◎年  代 2021

◎产  地 拉脱维亚



◎豆瓣评分 /10from0users

◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/35418658/


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  Lost in remotest part of Eastern Europe, on the edges of a mythical forest, Sam, is a foreigner, far from home, searching for his biological father Lagzdins. When a minor road accident leads to a chance meeting with a pig-farmer’s daughter – Kirke, Sam’s priorities must change if he wants to survive. Her kind hospitality is a smoke screen to capturing him and making him a slave on the farm. Alone, unable to speak the language and chained up 24/7 with the pigs, he learns to adapt and starts gaining the confidence that might lead to freedom and true love.

友情链接:杰晶网络 DDR爱好者之家 南强小屋 黑松山资源网 白云城资源网